Hiragana Chart ひらがな
For me, I can remember when I started practicing reading and writing English because I would always see a tutor to help me with spelling or just how to read in general because I was a slow learner and I still am. I think the main difference between Hiragana and English for me is that the English language is set so that you can put letters together which is similar to Hiragana, but as a non-native speaker, it is very difficult to look at those characters and try to figure out what each word means. Honestly, they are all hard to memorize but the easiest one for me, I would say is either ri or ra, and the rest I have problems with. The only mnemonic that I have used for learning Hiragana was for そ (because it is SO dangerous out in this heat right now) With the rest I ended up using memorization and just trying to match the character to the sound. For me, the difference between Japanese and English writing is that English alphabet is very simple, whereas the characters in Hiragana is very different which can be very confusing to someone who has just started to learn the language.
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