Ethnography: Greetings & Introductions

The topic that I choose was the bowing culture of Japan. And how there are different types of bows used for different situations. The first type of bow is a causal bow called the Slight Bow it is a 15-degree bow and is either used to say thank you or excuse me but some people will use it incorrectly at times or in the wrong situations. The next type of bow is the Normal Bow it is a 30-degree and some will consider it to be more polite than the Slight Bow probably because it is used more in the work environment or it is meant for the work environment. The third type of bow is called The Deep Bow and it is a 45-degree bow it is only ever used if you are really thankful towards someone or if you are really sorry towards someone and you're apologizing to them in a formal situation. The fourth type of bow is called the Deepest bow and it is a 90-degree bow and it is only ever used for public apologies. While the last type of bow is similar to the Deepest bow, the last type of bow is used to show the highest possible apology to someone and the last bow is called dogeza. But some people have been tried and convicted because they made someone do dogeza and there are several other cases like this. I think growing up in the U.S. most people wouldn’t do that or it would be too confusing at the beginning for them but then they would probably just revert back to what they were more comfortable with which is either a handshake, a hug, or just a hello. I would say the only thing that is the same between the U.S. and Japan is when in the U.S. people that don’t know each other will probably make eye contact and nod their heads while in Japan people will probably do a slight bow when saying hello or excuse me to someone they don’t know or for friends and family.


  1. I think you are right that the US head bob is very close to a small bow. I like bowing culture over the culture I grew up with in the UK, and similarly over here, where people will often hug you without permission - and disregarding whether you are comfortable being hugged by a stranger, like some people do with handshakes, where they feel they have to crush the other person's hand to prove themselves, some of those hugs are absolute bearhugs that feel like they are trying to break your back or your ribs. Bowing, like basketball, is a noncontact sport/occasion, and no one can get injured that way or have their personal space invaded.


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